full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Don Tapscott: Four principles for the open world

Unscramble the Blue Letters

Now, conventional wisdom says, "Well, hey, our intellectual property bnlgeos to us, and if someone tries to infringe it, we're going to get out our lawyers and we're going to sue them." Well, it didn't work so well for the record labels, did it? I mean, they took — They had a technology dtiursiopn, and rather than taking a business model innovation to correspond to that, they took and sought a legal solution and the industry that brought you Elvis and the belteas is now sunig children and is in danger of collapse.

Open Cloze

Now, conventional wisdom says, "Well, hey, our intellectual property _______ to us, and if someone tries to infringe it, we're going to get out our lawyers and we're going to sue them." Well, it didn't work so well for the record labels, did it? I mean, they took — They had a technology __________, and rather than taking a business model innovation to correspond to that, they took and sought a legal solution and the industry that brought you Elvis and the _______ is now _____ children and is in danger of collapse.


  1. suing
  2. belongs
  3. beatles
  4. disruption

Original Text

Now, conventional wisdom says, "Well, hey, our intellectual property belongs to us, and if someone tries to infringe it, we're going to get out our lawyers and we're going to sue them." Well, it didn't work so well for the record labels, did it? I mean, they took — They had a technology disruption, and rather than taking a business model innovation to correspond to that, they took and sought a legal solution and the industry that brought you Elvis and the Beatles is now suing children and is in danger of collapse.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
million dollars 3
intellectual property 3
pharmaceutical industry 3
open world 3
social media 3
printing press 3
wall street 2
rob mcewen 2
conventional wisdom 2
start sharing 2
young people 2
press gave 2
networked intelligence 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
printing press gave 2

Important Words

  1. beatles
  2. belongs
  3. brought
  4. business
  5. children
  6. collapse
  7. conventional
  8. correspond
  9. danger
  10. disruption
  11. elvis
  12. hey
  13. industry
  14. infringe
  15. innovation
  16. intellectual
  17. labels
  18. lawyers
  19. legal
  20. model
  21. property
  22. record
  23. solution
  24. sought
  25. sue
  26. suing
  27. technology
  28. wisdom
  29. work